With all of the things that go on in our very busy lives, we sometimes we take things for granted;like friendship.
I'm quite sure most of you have heard the story of why I no longer work in that sports bar in Timonium. But if you haven't, I will fill you in later. And you've probably had to endure the tale of Dylan; the boy whom I allowed to break my heart.(Today I try to take responsibility for my actions ).
Well, last night I was working at the book store, and I saw a familiar face. It was Eric, one of the bartenders from the Sports Bar. I never really got a chance to know him when I worked there, but I heard that he was dumb as a bag of rocks. When I saw him it made me wonder about some of my old co workers. He was wearing an Orioles T-shirt, so I can only assume that he was downtown for the baseball game. Why else would anyone wear an Orioles shirt in public?
Later that night,while Brigitte & I were waiting for her hubby Seth to pick her up, that same guy walked past us. Before I had a chance to point him out to Brigitte. A couple walked past us, and then I recognized him. It was Dylan.
There are some things about people that you just don't forget. Their walk, or the way they hold their head down, when they walk past you on the street, hoping that you don't recognize them.
I looked at Brigitte, and said " Omigod,it's him."
"Who ? she asked",
"Him, I said".
"You know ,What's his name. I said "
Brigitte & I never refer to Dylan by name. But she figured it out quickly. Because her whole expression changed.
"I'm gonna go kick his ass now, she said."
" Noooo, I said". "But he deserves it ,Brigitte said".
(The last time we saw him, we were at the Sports Bar having dinner. Because Sabrina,insisted on it. And since it was her birthday , we had to humor her. Dylan waited until I went to the ladies room so he could come to the table to speak to Sabrina. He stood with his back to me with during their entire conversation ,never even acknowledging my presence. Of course this pissed Brigitte the hell off. She wanted to stab him in the eye with a fork)
" Nobody is above a good old fashioned ass kicking , but NO, I said"
" But I'd really enjoy it" Brigitte said .
I do know that she would have derived great pleasure from kicking his ass. In fact, I've even dreamed about being there when that whole karma thing,catches up with him. I told her later that," he was not worth the spit it takes to cuss him with". Actually, I was too tired to have to go to jail that night. You don't think that I would have allowed her to kick his ass with out me participating. Hell Naw.
So he and his flavor of the month, just walked on towards Little Italy. Did he recognize me? Not really sure. But to be honest I could have sworn that I saw somebody that looked like him in the bookstore earlier in the evening.
Do I care? Could you pass an old friend on the street and not acknowledge their presence?
Honestly, I am a little sad that things ended the way they did between us. But that part of my life is over. I bear no ill will towards him. In fact, I only wish him the best.
Most of all, I am so lucky to have girlfriends that love me so much that they will, kick some guys ass, just on sheer principle. One of the things, I've learned on my journey,is this....Men will come and go. But girlfriends are for keeps.
At 10:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
Aren't girlfriends the best?
I have a bunch who would kick my sister in law's ass if she lived in Australia... She doesn't. She's back home in NZ... but I swear all hell would break loose if I ever took my girls over there with me...
I Love That.
At 3:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
ONLY if I can help too!
Love you, dahling! (And miss the hell outta you!)
Red Dahling.
P.S. Go read about the encounter I had in one of your Megabookstore chain's stores. (Not the one where you work.)
At 2:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
Yo! Update this here blog!
xxx Redsaid.net
P.S. What is it that you didn't understand about my latest blog-thingy post?
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