It's Raining Again
As with every morning, as you know I have to coax myself out of the bed. And drop Ms. Daisy off at the metro station. Some things don't change. Marnie reminded me to check the basement for water before I left for work. This morning it was raining like a cow pissing on a flat rock. And for some strange reason when it rains heavily like this we some times have a problem with flooding in our basement. Ain't that a bitch.I pray for sunny days, just so I don't have the headache & backache of mopping a wet basement. So when I got back home, what did I find? a small puddle on the basement floor.( This is where I begin to do the happy dance) I guess I can't go to work today. I have to call in. And as luck would have it. The gatekeeper to hell is off again today as well. Suezilla: the gatekeeper to hell and my immediate stupidvisor (this week) is in a contract dispute with the powers that be. She's been out "sick" for the the last couple of days. I don't know, could it be that Suezilla just got passed over for a promotion,by someone that was hired from outside the company. As much as I hate my job, I think I might stick around to see how this power struggle plays out. You see, Suezilla's office is directly behind across from my cubicle.I can literally feel her eyes burning at the back of my head. But not today. Today, I got to stay in bed like a big ole moo cow. Just in case you were wondering, I got absolutely nothing accomplished today. Oh, I did throw a couple of towels on the basement floor, to soak up the water,then it was back to bed for me.
But I did get up in time to cook dinner and watch Oprah. Oprah was interviewing Robin Givens about her "breaking her silence" about her marriage to Mike Tyson. I have to admit that after watching the interview, I've come away with new respect for her. "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger." Over the years I have heard this
many times in regards to my own life. My failed marriage, the death of my daughter, my stint in rehab etc.....
Kiddies, Hollywood ain't got nothing on me. Now, I don't want to depress y'all, but at times we may talk about "REAL" issues. This is my continuing drama. But I do promise that I won't resurrect the dead, as with most soap operas.
Speaking of psycho ex-husbands, did I mention that mine was an asshole? This asshole is currently shacking up with his Bitchwhore Girlfriend (That he will NEVER marry) and their tribe of children, in their really nice house somewhere in Montgomery County. While I'm here with Ms. Daisy and a damp leaky basement. Now I know what your thinking. "Laila, God don't like ugly." Ok, point taken. All I have to say is that "What goes around comes around." And when it does, I'm gonna be there with the popcorn.
I met Justin Martinez my freshman year of college. He had just finished beauty school and was working as a shampoo boy at Foxy Lady's. The first time I saw him,I was in love. He was tall, light-skinned with curly hair and green eyes. And when he washed your hair, Girl, it was like a sexual experience. Everybody wanted to be washed by Justin. His fingers were magic. I had gone to Foxy's in the past,because my cousin Nay-Nay used to do hair there. But this time I had gotten an appointment with my friend's cousin Treva, who had just started there and was trying to build up her clientele. Justin was fine,with a capital F-I-N-E. And I wanted a piece of that.
So what 's a girl to do? Well inquire with his Treva. First I had to find out was he seeing anyone ?
And as luck would have it, he wasn't. In fact, I can remember the conversation like it was yesterday. Treva said that "Justin has not had good luck with girls lately, what he needs is a really nice girl." Was that an open invitation or what? I'm a nice girl. He and I usually have nice conversations in the salon while he's washing my hair. I think I should go for it. Wouldn't you think? So I decided to discuss this with Stacie (Treva's cousin). Stacie's exact words were " I thought that Justin was gay." Girl,he's not gay, he's just sensitive. HELLOO, can you say denial ?
Just in case you were wondering, YES, Justin is very gay. But when we were dating. We were still very young, he was definitely very confused. Ok, and I was very much in denial. I even used the excuse that the fact that he never touched me ,eventhough were were once handcuffed together for a weekend.He was being a gentleman.
We would unlock ourselves to go to the bathroom. We used to go down to the block and buy gay porn and hit the gay stripclubs so "I" could see the guys dance. And then we would go next door to the regular strip clubs, so he could see the women dance. I think the reality hit me when, we were in a gay strip club one night, and I caught him making out with one of the strippers. You want to talk about a scene. I showed my ass in there. Ok, who knew that I was a fruit fly? It seems that everyone except me. Until this day, everyone, my family included refers to Justin as "my sister Justin". Well Justin & I are still friends (at least this week, you know how queens are). We still hang out. He's not only my drinking buddy, he's also my brother-in-law. That's right Kiddies, my asshole ex-husband is Jason Martinez, Justin's brother. Drama, I tell you. And you thought that this would be about my day off. Well I gotta go. I've tivo'd Law & Order, so Marnie and I are going to watch it before we go to bed. Catch you later.
But I did get up in time to cook dinner and watch Oprah. Oprah was interviewing Robin Givens about her "breaking her silence" about her marriage to Mike Tyson. I have to admit that after watching the interview, I've come away with new respect for her. "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger." Over the years I have heard this
many times in regards to my own life. My failed marriage, the death of my daughter, my stint in rehab etc.....
Kiddies, Hollywood ain't got nothing on me. Now, I don't want to depress y'all, but at times we may talk about "REAL" issues. This is my continuing drama. But I do promise that I won't resurrect the dead, as with most soap operas.
Speaking of psycho ex-husbands, did I mention that mine was an asshole? This asshole is currently shacking up with his Bitchwhore Girlfriend (That he will NEVER marry) and their tribe of children, in their really nice house somewhere in Montgomery County. While I'm here with Ms. Daisy and a damp leaky basement. Now I know what your thinking. "Laila, God don't like ugly." Ok, point taken. All I have to say is that "What goes around comes around." And when it does, I'm gonna be there with the popcorn.
I met Justin Martinez my freshman year of college. He had just finished beauty school and was working as a shampoo boy at Foxy Lady's. The first time I saw him,I was in love. He was tall, light-skinned with curly hair and green eyes. And when he washed your hair, Girl, it was like a sexual experience. Everybody wanted to be washed by Justin. His fingers were magic. I had gone to Foxy's in the past,because my cousin Nay-Nay used to do hair there. But this time I had gotten an appointment with my friend's cousin Treva, who had just started there and was trying to build up her clientele. Justin was fine,with a capital F-I-N-E. And I wanted a piece of that.
So what 's a girl to do? Well inquire with his Treva. First I had to find out was he seeing anyone ?
And as luck would have it, he wasn't. In fact, I can remember the conversation like it was yesterday. Treva said that "Justin has not had good luck with girls lately, what he needs is a really nice girl." Was that an open invitation or what? I'm a nice girl. He and I usually have nice conversations in the salon while he's washing my hair. I think I should go for it. Wouldn't you think? So I decided to discuss this with Stacie (Treva's cousin). Stacie's exact words were " I thought that Justin was gay." Girl,he's not gay, he's just sensitive. HELLOO, can you say denial ?
Just in case you were wondering, YES, Justin is very gay. But when we were dating. We were still very young, he was definitely very confused. Ok, and I was very much in denial. I even used the excuse that the fact that he never touched me ,eventhough were were once handcuffed together for a weekend.He was being a gentleman.
We would unlock ourselves to go to the bathroom. We used to go down to the block and buy gay porn and hit the gay stripclubs so "I" could see the guys dance. And then we would go next door to the regular strip clubs, so he could see the women dance. I think the reality hit me when, we were in a gay strip club one night, and I caught him making out with one of the strippers. You want to talk about a scene. I showed my ass in there. Ok, who knew that I was a fruit fly? It seems that everyone except me. Until this day, everyone, my family included refers to Justin as "my sister Justin". Well Justin & I are still friends (at least this week, you know how queens are). We still hang out. He's not only my drinking buddy, he's also my brother-in-law. That's right Kiddies, my asshole ex-husband is Jason Martinez, Justin's brother. Drama, I tell you. And you thought that this would be about my day off. Well I gotta go. I've tivo'd Law & Order, so Marnie and I are going to watch it before we go to bed. Catch you later.
At 11:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
I'm sooo glad that you're blogging! Because girl, I'm learning some stuff about you on here! I had NO idea! What on earth did we always jab about at the MegaBookStore? Red's lack of Green (cards? Cash?)? Your life is far more interesting. And goddammit, I just realised how much I miss you.
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