I Did It, I Did It
Welcome Aboard,
Thanks for dropping in is the first post on my very own blog. I really don't know where to begin. First of all I must say a big Thank you to my dealing Red. I've been rather addicted to her blog REDSAID. So I figured that if she could do this than so can I. I am inviting you into the madness that is my so called life.Maybe one day I'll even write a book about it. And be apart of Oprah's book club.Please forgive me now. I am not a writer.
But it sounds good in theory. Most of what you will be reading and commenting on are random rantings of a mad woman. Those of you that know me or think you do;may be asked to suspend your belief in reality. You see reality used to be a friend of mine,and I have since kicked him to the curb. Oh but like a bad penny he does keep showing up. This continuing drama is the truth as I know it. That's my story and I'm sticking with it.
Now Ladies & Gentleman, this is the part of the program where we get to know our hostess.
Who:Laila Ono (That's my stage name. Why Laila Ono ? If I were an international spy,that would be a cool name. Layla by Eric Clapton is one of the greatest songs ever. The way he screams "Layla you got me on my knees,Layla begging darling please,Layla. Hello, is that control or what ? Also I happen to know girls named Brandy & Roxanne, and they have told me that people constantly break into song and sing their names. I think it's cool ,but It does eventually get old. Except when Clapton sings it. Ono because I like it . Enough said.
Where: Baltimore MD, USA. Native Balitmoron born & bred.
Ethnicity: Black. I prefer it over African American. Which I kind pretentious. Except when I'm trying to be proper.
Religion: I have none. Since Catholic Priests started acting like they were above the law.
Martial Status: Divorced. I am no longer committed to the institution of marriage.My ex is a big ASSHOLE !!! And you will hear all about him.
Living arrangement: I live with my twiced divorced sister Marnie. And our dog Coco.
Can say Patty & Selma.? Instead of McGuyver it's Law & Order around here.
Occupation. By day I am an Account Rep for an insurance company. I Fucking Hate this job.
But part time I am a Bookstore Diva for the Megabook at the Inner Harbor. Can you guess which one?
Hobbies: I am a pot head( a big smile has come across my face. It is bittersweet because It is currently 4:20 pm as I write this, but I have taken a hiatus from the smoke. Because I am currently looking for a new job. And I need to be able to pass a drug test if needed. Oh But One day very soon, I will return to celebrating the 420. Mark my words.
Other Notables: I am a fat girl. With that being said. You will hear me whine about my new diet or not. Depending on if I start my diet tomorrow as planned. I always like to start a new diet on Sunday. Yes, Yes I know what your thinking,it's not suppose to be a diet ,but a lifestyle change. Whatever. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it.
Well I think that good for now. I don't want to overwhelm you on our first meeting. I can't wait to hear from you.
Thanks for stopping by.
Thanks for dropping in is the first post on my very own blog. I really don't know where to begin. First of all I must say a big Thank you to my dealing Red. I've been rather addicted to her blog REDSAID. So I figured that if she could do this than so can I. I am inviting you into the madness that is my so called life.Maybe one day I'll even write a book about it. And be apart of Oprah's book club.Please forgive me now. I am not a writer.
But it sounds good in theory. Most of what you will be reading and commenting on are random rantings of a mad woman. Those of you that know me or think you do;may be asked to suspend your belief in reality. You see reality used to be a friend of mine,and I have since kicked him to the curb. Oh but like a bad penny he does keep showing up. This continuing drama is the truth as I know it. That's my story and I'm sticking with it.
Now Ladies & Gentleman, this is the part of the program where we get to know our hostess.
Who:Laila Ono (That's my stage name. Why Laila Ono ? If I were an international spy,that would be a cool name. Layla by Eric Clapton is one of the greatest songs ever. The way he screams "Layla you got me on my knees,Layla begging darling please,Layla. Hello, is that control or what ? Also I happen to know girls named Brandy & Roxanne, and they have told me that people constantly break into song and sing their names. I think it's cool ,but It does eventually get old. Except when Clapton sings it. Ono because I like it . Enough said.
Where: Baltimore MD, USA. Native Balitmoron born & bred.
Ethnicity: Black. I prefer it over African American. Which I kind pretentious. Except when I'm trying to be proper.
Religion: I have none. Since Catholic Priests started acting like they were above the law.
Martial Status: Divorced. I am no longer committed to the institution of marriage.My ex is a big ASSHOLE !!! And you will hear all about him.
Living arrangement: I live with my twiced divorced sister Marnie. And our dog Coco.
Can say Patty & Selma.? Instead of McGuyver it's Law & Order around here.
Occupation. By day I am an Account Rep for an insurance company. I Fucking Hate this job.
But part time I am a Bookstore Diva for the Megabook at the Inner Harbor. Can you guess which one?
Hobbies: I am a pot head( a big smile has come across my face. It is bittersweet because It is currently 4:20 pm as I write this, but I have taken a hiatus from the smoke. Because I am currently looking for a new job. And I need to be able to pass a drug test if needed. Oh But One day very soon, I will return to celebrating the 420. Mark my words.
Other Notables: I am a fat girl. With that being said. You will hear me whine about my new diet or not. Depending on if I start my diet tomorrow as planned. I always like to start a new diet on Sunday. Yes, Yes I know what your thinking,it's not suppose to be a diet ,but a lifestyle change. Whatever. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it.
Well I think that good for now. I don't want to overwhelm you on our first meeting. I can't wait to hear from you.
Thanks for stopping by.
At 6:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
Lailaaaaaaaa, you got us on our kneeeeeeeeeeees, Lailaaaaaaa, we're beggging daahling puuuhleeeeeeeeaaaassssseee, Laaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Hello DAHLING! The boy and I are already hopelessly devoted to you. Boy wants to know whether Ono is an obscure reference to the Beetles. He thinks EVERYTHING is an obscure reference to the Beetles, because he LIKES them, much to my dismay.
I'm thrilled that you've FINALLY started the blog! (As long as you don't now suddenly start neglecting me, you hear?!?)
Can't wait to hear all the stories, especially about THE EX.
P.S. The boy says hello!
At 3:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
Love the idea. Keep it going. How do we get updates ?
Love you tons!
blue eyes
At 8:32 PM,
lailaono said…
You like me, You really like me ?
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