Reliving the days my youth
Do you ever get that feeling that death is creeping up on you ? Welcome to my hell. Actually on most days the constant thought of death makes me as giddy as a schoolgirl. For whatever reason Suezilla: the gatekeeper to hell is out of the office for the rest of the week. Thank God for small miracles. Believe me, I am two minutes away from going postal in this bitch on any given day. If you haven't heard by now,Marnie & I are in the middle of trying to refinance the house.So that means that I have to continue to work here until we go to settlement. As our mortgage broker Tina has nicely put it,."Laila, the day after we go to settlement you can go in and tell them to kiss your big black ass." Tina is just hoping that I don't flake out on her and fuck up her commission. She knows me pretty well at this point. She used to work for my old attorney. She is aware of the possibilities when it comes to dealing with me. We also started the paperwork to refinance back in October. But we are off to see the wizard and there is no turning back. So everyone wish me luck and think happy thoughts.....
It's that time of year again, when your favorite bands go on tour. Yes the summer concert season has begun. It is my goal to see as many GOOD shows as I can this summer. Last summer wasn't that great,but hopefully this year will make up for that. This past weekend, was my official kick off for the season.
My best girlfriend Brigitte, her husband Seth and I traveled up to Wilkes-Barre, Pa to see Duran Duran. I've known Brigitte and her sister Lisa since highschool, in fact we celebrated our 20th anniversary last year at Sabatino's and then we proceeded to drink our way through Fells Point.It was a good time had by all. One of the reasons we've been friends for so long, is that we have the same taste in music and beer. My dad once said " Good music is good music no matter who plays it."And I have always lived by that rule.Too bad everyone doesn't subscribe to that theory. I think that having attended private school, opened me up to a world of possiblilies that I might have never experienced otherwise. Especially our eclectic taste in music. Our music collections includes everything from Abba to Zeppelin and everything else in between. But when it's all said and done, Brigitte and I are Anglophiles. We love all things British. Let's just put it this way; When Princess Diana was killed, I took to my bed for a week. Sorry, I need a moment. Talk amongst yourselves.
We grew up in the 80's, during the height of the British Pop Invasion. We absolutely adored bands like Duran Duran and Go West, while other teenaged girls in our neighborhood dreamed of Prince and New Edition. Mom & Marnie couldn't understand why I didn't have pictures of Michael Jackson on my walls instead of men who looked more like white women.
Isn't it ironic;don't ya think... Brigitte and I saw Duran Duran perform about 10 years ago. But this is the first time in over a decade that the original quintet has perform together. I have to admit that I wasn't as excited about it as Brigitte was ,but I was looking forward to the show. I was just so happy not to have to drive. I was out with Brigitte and her sister Lisa the night before and I was the only one without a massive hangover. One because I was the designated driver,and I was smart enough to stay away from the Ouzo.I wonder if Lisa ever found her glasses?
Anyhoo, after what seemed to be an eternity,we finally made it to Wilkes-Barre for the show. As we sat in the car people watching, I noticed something. Everyone was old; Except for us ,of course. And almost every man was gay. Seth wanted it noted that he and a rest the other straight men were there just to drive their wives and girlfriends. Now that the Seth disclaimer is out of the way. He's an attorney,we have to humor him,he keeps us out of jail.
Back when we were young girls,it never occurred to us that Duran Duran's fan base included boys. All we knew is that they were cute and we would more than willingly give our virginity to any member of the band just for the asking.
Come on, who wouldn't have sex with John Taylor or Simon LeBon,trade make secrets with Nick Rhodes. Or just be a back up singer with the band. I guess whether your a boy or a girl fan,our fantasies were all the same.
So to make a long story short,the show was incredible. Seth got us great fucking seats. We happened to be seated right infront of a group of fabulous gay guys,who took their job of fashion police very seriously. They made it a point of pointing out every fashion faux paus in the building. It was just like being sixteen all over again. Singing and dancing with your favorite band while they played all of your favorite songs. And yes I remember almost all of the words. Best of all , I'm old enough to finally have sex with the band. I hear they are coming to Baltimore in July. I'm ready. I hope they are.
It's that time of year again, when your favorite bands go on tour. Yes the summer concert season has begun. It is my goal to see as many GOOD shows as I can this summer. Last summer wasn't that great,but hopefully this year will make up for that. This past weekend, was my official kick off for the season.
My best girlfriend Brigitte, her husband Seth and I traveled up to Wilkes-Barre, Pa to see Duran Duran. I've known Brigitte and her sister Lisa since highschool, in fact we celebrated our 20th anniversary last year at Sabatino's and then we proceeded to drink our way through Fells Point.It was a good time had by all. One of the reasons we've been friends for so long, is that we have the same taste in music and beer. My dad once said " Good music is good music no matter who plays it."And I have always lived by that rule.Too bad everyone doesn't subscribe to that theory. I think that having attended private school, opened me up to a world of possiblilies that I might have never experienced otherwise. Especially our eclectic taste in music. Our music collections includes everything from Abba to Zeppelin and everything else in between. But when it's all said and done, Brigitte and I are Anglophiles. We love all things British. Let's just put it this way; When Princess Diana was killed, I took to my bed for a week. Sorry, I need a moment. Talk amongst yourselves.
We grew up in the 80's, during the height of the British Pop Invasion. We absolutely adored bands like Duran Duran and Go West, while other teenaged girls in our neighborhood dreamed of Prince and New Edition. Mom & Marnie couldn't understand why I didn't have pictures of Michael Jackson on my walls instead of men who looked more like white women.
Isn't it ironic;don't ya think... Brigitte and I saw Duran Duran perform about 10 years ago. But this is the first time in over a decade that the original quintet has perform together. I have to admit that I wasn't as excited about it as Brigitte was ,but I was looking forward to the show. I was just so happy not to have to drive. I was out with Brigitte and her sister Lisa the night before and I was the only one without a massive hangover. One because I was the designated driver,and I was smart enough to stay away from the Ouzo.I wonder if Lisa ever found her glasses?
Anyhoo, after what seemed to be an eternity,we finally made it to Wilkes-Barre for the show. As we sat in the car people watching, I noticed something. Everyone was old; Except for us ,of course. And almost every man was gay. Seth wanted it noted that he and a rest the other straight men were there just to drive their wives and girlfriends. Now that the Seth disclaimer is out of the way. He's an attorney,we have to humor him,he keeps us out of jail.
Back when we were young girls,it never occurred to us that Duran Duran's fan base included boys. All we knew is that they were cute and we would more than willingly give our virginity to any member of the band just for the asking.
Come on, who wouldn't have sex with John Taylor or Simon LeBon,trade make secrets with Nick Rhodes. Or just be a back up singer with the band. I guess whether your a boy or a girl fan,our fantasies were all the same.
So to make a long story short,the show was incredible. Seth got us great fucking seats. We happened to be seated right infront of a group of fabulous gay guys,who took their job of fashion police very seriously. They made it a point of pointing out every fashion faux paus in the building. It was just like being sixteen all over again. Singing and dancing with your favorite band while they played all of your favorite songs. And yes I remember almost all of the words. Best of all , I'm old enough to finally have sex with the band. I hear they are coming to Baltimore in July. I'm ready. I hope they are.
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