Laila: A Life in Progress

This Blog contain the rantings of a cute,but crazy black woman. Come along for the ride, suspend your belief in reality; come peek into life as I see it. Who knows you might enjoy yourself.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Escape to New York

I think that my first love has always been traveling. So at any given moment I may wake up and need to run away.Believe me it has happened more times than I care to count. I didn't really feel like an adult until I got my passport.
Many of you have heard me go on and on about the upcoming Bartenders Convention in NYC. Well let me tell you what happened. Or at least what I can remember. Annabella, Lisa &, Sean are bartenders at the big catering hall West Winds,where I used to work years ago.They still work there part time, I on the other hand was told by the vice president of the company,that I was only allowed in the building if I was a paying guest. He's still an asshole as far as I'm concerned. And I'm not the only one that thinks so.
Bella and I have been really good friends since my days at WestWinds. Bella is my little Italian Mama. Bella is married to Sergio; Sergio is a retired college professor. Sergio is as mad as a hatter. No matter what time day or night they are constantly yelling at each other. We keep telling Bella that Sergio will be the death of her;she agrees. Bella is the epitome of a Renaissance woman. She can give Martha Stewart a run for her money. She can repair a roof, paint a portrait that rivals DaVinci,cook a dinner that would make Julia Child weep and drink most sailors under the table. And she's one of those tree hugging hippies who can score the best ganja with one phone call.
Then there is Lisa. Lisa is the ex girlfriend of Hans the Horny Dutchman. I was hoping that he would have joined us. But NOOOO. We got stuck with Miss Congeniality. They had been dating for about 6 years. During their relationship
they both remained married to other people. In addition,Hans has fucked almost everything with a vagina. In fact , I once asked Hans what his secret was with women. He said to me once, and I kid you not
" Laila, the pussy is a dangerous thing, It will grab you and not let you go." Ok, he still scares me. Sean says that "If given the chance Hans would fuck a snake if you held it's mouth open."
So after spending the weekend with Lisa,we figure that their relationship had to be purely physical,because she has personality of a wet blanket. I still can't believe that cow complained all weekend about not being able to find any good food. For chrissakes, we were in NYC of all places in the world. I you can't find it here you can find it anywhere. Simple Bitch.
Last but least is Sean. I call Sean the Nutty Irishman,because he is. Sean is such an asshole. He actually reminds me of my grandfather Big Daddy. They have such a charming demeanor,that they can insult you to your face with a smile and you don't even realize that you have been insulted. Sean and Hans both have one thing in common;they love the ladies. I should know , Sean & I got to know each other very well several years ago.
Bella,Lisa & I traveled up to NY on Saturday afternoon. Sean met us on Sunday just in time for the show. We invited is wife Colleen to come along. Like that was really going to happen. Sean totally believes in keeping her barefoot and pregnant. I think the excuse this time was ,that the twins Patrick & Michael had a big soccer game. I think in order to be a proper Irishman,you have to come out of the womb ready to play soccer.
Can I just tell you that I was a ROCK STAR that weekend. I literally had to be carrier out of the Jacob Javitz Center on both days. Each day, I proceeded to drink from every booth in the building. By the end of the first day, Bella & I were feeling no pain. I vaguely remember "resting on the ground" in front of the Javitz Center. And calling Brigitte at work to tell her that I loved her and that she was my best friend in the whole wide world. A classic drunk dialing move. How we ever made it back to the hotel,is beyond me. And we even went out that night for dinner. I just remember(barely) a lot of walking unnecessarily.
I do understand that when in Rome do as the Romans. But come on, when you've been drinking LOTS of free alcohol for hours; a cab is not totally out of the question. I did eventually sober up (somewhat) that evening.
Okay I did sleep with Sean that weekend. Actually we just shared a bed. No really that was all. It was either that,or one of us would have to sleep with Lisa.
Us sleeping together was the lesser of the two evils. Bella got stuck with Lisa,and Sean and I giggled like school girls until we fell asleep.
The next day was more of the same,drinking until I almost fell down. The day started with a Hpnotiq Breeze and I think it ended with a very statuesque woman offering me Sum Poosie,and yes I tried it. Let's just say it was a fun time had by all. One of the best things about attending a convention like this, is the fact that you get to take goodies home with you. Of my group, I got the biggest goodie bag. I bought home a fifty pound box of goodies back from the Bar Show. I don't remember how they got me and the box back to the hotel. Because I was tanked. I can't remember if I had to show my tits to fill my goodie box . Oh well if I did,it was all worth it. Can't wait til next year.